Tuesday, December 28, 2004

NYE 2004 evite

From: Jason and Jennifer
Location: Our New House
When: Friday, December 31

We know many people might already have plans, but if you still don't know where you'll be on New Year's Eve, come on over and help us break in our new house!

We'll be taking possession just a few days earlier, and since we are planning to remodel the house anyway, we're up for some fun. Possible events to include:

- Wall decorating contest
- Demolition derby
- Lose your baggage - write it down and watch it burn

We'll be providing Harvey Wallbangers and wine, plus some champagne and some nibbles. BYO anything else. If you'd like to contribute to the food (which you are ever-so-welcome to do), please email Jen at zelda@zeldajstudios.com.

Since the place will be sparsely furnished, if you have the means and can bring a beanbag, folding chair, table, etc., it would be much appreciated! :)