Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Laundry Test Drive

When Frankie came by last week, he helped assemble our "laundry area" which currently comprises our total livable area in the basement (6 square feet! Woo hoo!).

After wiping off the drywall dust this morning, I loaded up the washer for a test run (towels.. .nothing too worrisome if something fails)..

Well, they made it through the washer with marginal success (slight leakage under the washer though). They are now turning in the dryer.

Hopefully this isn't a major repair and we will be able to avoid any laundromat woes!


Jen said...

WOOHOO! Laundry! The capacity of this machine is so HUGE I may need to rethink my sorting system:

darks that get dried
darks that get hung up
colors that get dried
colors that get hung up
blues & greens
wash n wear pants
reds, oranges & purples
blinding colors
items that must be washed separately

Maybe I can do some condensing???

richmanrush said...

you know... AMC or A&E, can't remember which, has been showing "The Money Pit" movie alot lately...

Coincidence? Hmmm very interesting!